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 International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009

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pink panther
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PostSubject: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 6:45 pm

International Training Course in Ukraine - April 2009

What is “Abre los ojos”?

It is a training course targeting youngleaders, youth workers and trainers working in the youth field that would like to learn about GLOBALIZATION, its conection with HUMAN RIGHTS and to do all this through a quite new methodology, THEATRE and DRAMA PROCESS to be exact!

When & where will it be

It will be implemented in Spring 2009, in Ukraine in a nice venue surrounded by nature and wild life.

Who organizes the course
and who will be the team
of trainers?

The course is organized by the association EUROACCION, spanish NGO working on the issue of Human Rights Education since 2002 and specialized in non formal education and new learning
methodologies in the youth field.

Why such a course?

We think it is urgent to start raising awareness about the global situation we all are going through in terms of human rights protection, in terms of our own dignity as people and in terms of what is being done to change the problems we face nowadays and specially, what CAN WE DO as young people or as people working for the YOUTH.

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pink panther

pink panther

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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 5:15 pm

deja gama tarilor se extinde fooooarte mult....:>
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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 11:41 am

Mi se pare foarte interesant proiectul, mai ales ca este un training course si ar fi o experiența noua foarte valoroasa. Mai mult, se axeaza pe un domeniu care ma pasioneaza si care cred ca ar trebui sa ne intereseze pe toti mai mult... drepturile omului si cum sunt ele influentate de un fenomen care pare de neoprit: globalizarea... si toate astea folosind teatrul.
Acestea fiind spuse, eo o sa ma inscriu si sper sa fiu si selectata in cazul in care "lista de asteptare" va fi foarte lunga.

Sunt surprinsa ca nu s-au inscris deja mai multe persoane pentru a participa, dar niciodata nu e prea tarziu:).

Last edited by symyna on Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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pink panther

pink panther

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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 7:35 pm

si eu cred ca e in teresant...as fii fost prima ...daca as fii avut 18 ani:((
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 8:18 pm

Very Happy suna interesant:) vreau si eu sa aplic dar sa vad toate detaliile
Very Happy
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pink panther

pink panther

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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 9:34 pm

sa aplici? sa te inscrii pe lunga lista de asteptare despre care vorbea simina..vrei sa zici:P
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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 10:08 pm

stati.mey.k.ink.nu.avem.toate.detallile Smile
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pink panther

pink panther

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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 7:48 pm

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PostSubject: :)   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 8:02 pm

subiectu acesta a devenit unul din cele mai discutate din ultima vreme:) si , dorind sa aflu cat mai multe posibil despre acesta tema de actualitate, vreau sa ma inscriu pe "lista de asteptare" de unde sper sa fiu aleasa:) ...plus.. ar fi o noua experienta pentru mine SmileSmileSmile
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pink panther

pink panther

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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 9:04 pm

Wink) nu e neaparat cel mai discutat...lista de asteptare:D eu vbesc mult pe aici si nici macar nu sunt eligibila:)) dar ca sa invat strategiile:))Wink)adica ce spuneti voi pentru a merge in proiect, pt ca presedintele asociatiei a spus ca trebuie sa ne inscriem si sa scriem si de ce vrem sa mergem;)
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 30, 2009 11:29 am

cred ca o sa fie funny Very Happy teatru si drama:D ^^ simi sa nu ne faci d ras:D nu cred ca voi veni si eu:) mai vedem pana atunci:)
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pink panther

pink panther

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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 30, 2009 3:55 pm

e un subiect foarte bun pt un proiect....iar din teatru intotdeauna vom avea multe de invatat pentru ca putem traii viata altora fara sa ne complicam cu probleme lor, dar stim cum e sa fii altcineva....chiar daca ptr o perioada f scurta de tp:)
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 30, 2009 8:14 pm

O sa fac tot posibilul sa va fac mandri, easypen;) Nu am foarte multa experienta in teatru, dar invat repede si oricum, cred ca de cele mai multe ori nu se invata, ci vine de la sine:)
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 30, 2009 9:32 pm

hehe stiu ca esti capabila de orice asa ca nu-mi fac griji:> Very Happy te ajut si eu daca vrei:))) inca nu m-am hotarat daca vin sau nu:D ^^
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pink panther

pink panther

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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 3:05 pm

daca aveti nevoie de ajutor si din exterior...puteti sa ne intrebati si pe noi, ceilalti(care nu mergem in acesrt proiect dintr-un motiv sau altul) si daca aveti nevoie si de sfaturile unor specialisti pot sa va duc la profele mele de teatru:0 cu cea mai mare placere:P>Very Happy<
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 3:09 pm

buna ideie mersi panter:D
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pink panther

pink panther

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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 3:28 pm

oricand:P doar anuntata-ma...si puteti fii siguri ca aveti o multime de lucruri de invatat de la aceste formidabile doamne...eu cel putin, impreuna cu colegul meu si noua trupa de teatru pe care am facut-o la liceu de curand ne-am schimbat foarte mult de cand jucam...e o lume foarte frumoasa...e momentul tau atunci cand esti pe scena:)ah...nu mai povestesc ca as scrie prea mult:Psi nu vreau sa va plictisesc:P
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 3:52 pm

S-ar putea s ne gandim serios la oferta ta Wink Dar mai intai sa vedem cum decurge totul, ce va trebui sa pregatim pentru proiect, etc.
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pink panther

pink panther

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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 3:55 pm

okey...oricum...pe mine stiti unde sa ma gasiti:P:P
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 4:02 pm

vom apela nu-ti face griji:)

Last edited by easypen on Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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pink panther

pink panther

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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 4:36 pm

nu-mi faceam griji...chiar cred ca dupa vacanta....sau mai tarziu...nu am fost atenta la data exacta a proiectului...dupa ce se stabileste echipa, puteti venii la noi la repetitii odata si o sa vedeti:)
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 5:54 pm

teatrul e un vis...e mai mult decat viata in sine...frumos si placut sper sa vba descurcati pe acolo:) vad ca aveti si ajutoare mai mici...Smile
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PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 4:34 pm

Hello, my dear forum friends. Here I am, back from yet another intercultural adventure, 11 days in Lvov, Ukraine.
We had to leave home a day before Easter, so I was a bit sad to leave my family, but I was still anxious to see how the trainig would be. But before we got to the working part of the project we had to "endure" about 10 hours of Romanian stunning landscapes from Eduard’s cozy red car Razz, we got the chance to discover an amazing part of our country we were not familiar with and then we crossed the border with no problems on Easter morning… hell of a way to celebrate the resurrection of the Savior, but we had to do it for TB2007;)). Anyway, after about 5 hours on Ukrainian roads we found Lvov… after another 2 hours we also found the hotel:)).
The second day we started the activities at full speed. We got to know each other and our backgrounds and for two days we had our share of presentations and “instruction” from the team of trainers. But then something happened… our trainers decided that in order for this learning experience to work we all needed to be equals, so they stepped out of their trainers/tyrants shoes and became participants… we got to be part of an unusual “democratic” training. Wink
We worked an average of about 9 hours a day: discussions, energizers, presentations, social theatre, debates, cineforum and so on, but most of the times we couldn’t really notice the time fly as we were so involved in the exercises. We did get a free day and we saw the city centre of lvov, a beautiful piece of architecture and history. Then work continued and we made a video about the topic of out training, human rights and how they are affected by globalization, all expressed through invisible theatre. The inhabitants of Lvov helped us without even knowing it;))
For me this was probably the most intercultural project, as I had the chance to meet great people from so many countries…Serbia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Ukraine, Belarus and Croatia.(I hope I didn’t leave any of them out;) ).Needless to say that the Romanian team rose to the expectations(or so we think) and that we almost immediately made new friends and expanded our contact list of trustworthy partners;). We actually have pretty solid plans for a youth project with the cooperation of some of our newly found friends.
All in all, it was another great experience that helped me grow as a person and I hope that this type of activities will always be a part of my life. YiA can be addictive:P

Last edited by symyna on Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 5:55 pm

Congrats, I agree with you that Yia can be addictive.
I think it was a splendid time and I hope that there will be more of these projects...
Congrats once again!!!! cheers

BS rules king
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International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Empty
PostSubject: Re: International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009   International Training Course in Ukraine - April,19-29- 2009 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 6:05 pm

Hmm Yia it's the best thing for teenagers! Like a Star @ heaven this is the future:P but with little steps
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