Tineret Buzau 2007
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 concurs de esee pe teme de mediu

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PostSubject: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2009 5:15 pm

World Bank Launches 2009 Global Youth Essay Competition on Climate Change

Bucharest, January 30, 2009 – Climate change has been identified as one of the biggest global threats of our time. Scientists agree that global warming and extreme climate phenomena can be increasingly attributed to human activity - in particular, heavy emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, resulting from industrial processes.

Solutions to those pressing problems could lie in the rapidly growing ‘green economy’: environmentally sustainable enterprises, technological innovations, energy efficiency measures, economic incentives for low-carbon choices, etc. How can youth contribute?

The World Bank and its partners invite all interested youth in Romania to participate in the Global Essay Competition under the theme of climate change. The best essays will be published and awarded with up to USD 3,000 awards.

Participants of the Global Youth Essay Competition must be between 18 and 25 years of age on June 15, 2009. Each participant may submit entries in more than one category (essay, video and photo), but only one submission per category is allowed. Submissions are accepted in English, French and Spanish. All submissions must be the original work of the contestant. Submissions cannot be previously awarded in competitions or presented in art exhibitions. The deadline for submissions is February 22, 2009 and finalists will be announced on April 30, 2009.

The submission process for the Essay Competition 2009 is entirely internet-based and all those interested may find relevant information at www.essaycompetition.org
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PostSubject: Re: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2009 8:53 pm

mi se par foarte interesante subiectele cu eseuri Smile ai timp de lucru si de gandire:)
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Posts : 173
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Age : 33
Location : buzau, romania

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PostSubject: Re: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2009 9:02 pm

foarte interesant, mai ales ca ne putem inscrie in toate cele 3 categorii si deci sa ne sporim sansele de castig Wink. chiar voi incepe sa lucrez la eseu cat mai curand;).
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Posts : 173
Join date : 2008-10-18
Age : 33
Location : buzau, romania

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PostSubject: Re: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 11:17 pm

am reusit sa scriu eseul si sa il trimit, ca de obicei, pe ultima suta de metri Wink) partea care nu pot spune ca m-a incantat e ca finalistii vor fi alesi infunctie de rezumatele(de doar 250 cuvinte) respectivelor esee, iar daca eu am reusit sa mai scriu si cate ceva interesant in al meu, ei bine rezumatul este groaznic de... gol, mai ales ca e doar 1/5 din eseu. Recunosc sincer ca atunci cand e vorba de cuvantul "rezumat" ma blochez si niciodata nu reusesc sa produc unul cat de cat coerent. dar m-am gandid sa il postez ca sa vad cat de repede imi confirmati temerile. here goes nothing...

A peaceful revolution(rezumat)

We mustn’t hide behind lack of awareness anymore. The truth’s that we are bombarded with information nowadays, and if you do find a way to dodge all that information, you would have to be blind not to see what’s happening in your own front yard. Isn’t it a bit too obvious to be just the fruit of some crazed scientists’ imagination?

I will be talking about what’s happening to ME, what is making MY life change. Maybe then, people will realize the real behind the information. I get all nostalgic when I find myself waiting for one little white snow-flake for Christmas, and my wish hardly comes true. We’re supposed to have 4 seasons in this darn climate zone, but it seems that lately there’s just 2 left: summer and fall. Doesn’t that look like a bit of a climate change? It sure does to me.

I may be wrong, but I’d like to ask: if we had the right to life but not the right to equality, security, and health would this not be a violation of precisely that fundamental right, as the quality of life would decrease drastically?

We have to unite our forces and fight together for our world before it’s taken away by our very destructive actions. We have to start a never-before-seen revolution: a peaceful revolution, because we’re the ones who may not survive a catastrophic change, or we may survive to live in a world we don’t particularly want to live in.

PS: daca se inatmpla sa va starneasca interesul si o sa imi cereti asta, o sa postez tot eseul, dar pana atunci n-o sa va supun la un chin de 1200 de cuvinte:P
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pink panther

pink panther

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PostSubject: Re: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 11:01 am

ar fii interesant sa putem vedea si restuyl eseeului...introducerea e buna...nu stiu si nu cred ca sunt in masura sa dau cu parerea despre rezumat dar mi-ar placea sa il citesc pe tot;Wink si oricum...succes!Smile
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PostSubject: Re: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 12:27 pm

rezumatul mi se pare chiar foare OK. ca de obicei, se poate observa implicarea de care dai dovada si acea profunzime specific tie:). sper ca vei fi printre finalisti. meriti.
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Posts : 173
Join date : 2008-10-18
Age : 33
Location : buzau, romania

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PostSubject: Re: concurs de esee pe teme de mediu   concurs de esee pe teme de mediu Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 12:53 pm

multumesc pentru feed-back si pentru supor Smile In cazul asta o sa postez tot eseul. La urma urmei nimeni nu e obligat sa il citeasca daca pare prea lung si plictisitor. Wink

A peaceful revolution

War, famine, plague, floods… not the four apocalypse horsemen, but the very reality we are living. Our society is slowly turning from shades of grey to plain dark black and we all have to find means of turning the tables while we still have the chance. You may think that this is an unnecessary dose of pessimism and negativity, and I must say I am truly not the type of person that sees everything pitch-black. Why this attitude then? Because we cannot afford to become too confident, and if I may, cocky in our perspective of the danger that might be lurking right around the corner. The harsh reality has to be revealed, and somebody’s got to do it.

The first thing that comes to mind, the first thing that I feel I should shout out loud so that there is no way people could not hear is the fact that we cannot, we must not hide behind what has become simply a pathetic excuse for us not wanting to give up any of our commodities - lack of awareness. The truth is that we are bombarded with information in any form possible, from any source that you could think of: news in the media, governmental awareness campaigns, various youth programmes focused on this issue, NGOs setting protests and all kind of demonstrations, and so many more. It is virtually impossible to not come across any of the above, but even if you do find a way to dodge all that information, how blind can you be as to not be aware of what is happening in your own country, your own city, your own front yard? Isn’t it a bit too obvious to be just the fruit of some crazed scientists’ imagination?

The effects of global warming and climate change come in many shapes and sizes as one might put it, but they are anything but minor. They usually vary from the rather subtle ones, such as the way our wardrobes get skimpier with each passing year, or the fact that we really do need that darn sun lotion if we don’t want to get toasted on the beach, to the more severe ones. These are the ones that really jeopardize our future on this planet. The speed of hurricanes has increased by 50%, and the whole planed witnessed that when the Katrina disaster hit America; 20% of the sea ice in the Arctic has melted, and we heard news about an unprecedented phenomenon - polar bears drowning because of exhaustion, as they drifted from one piece of ice to another, too far away. And that’s not just an isolated case of one bear that didn’t get fit enough before he moved away to his own place. It’s too many for us to ignore. And these are only 2 examples of obvious warning signs the we somehow choose to ignore.

But what am I doing here, talking about stuff I’ve seen on TV, or on the internet, or read about in papers? I should be talking about things that I experience first-handed, about what’s happening now, not to the people in my country, or my region, not even the people in my city, but about ME what is making MY life change. Maybe then, people will believe that I’m not just laying on paper news reports and information others have filled my head with, and they will realize the real behind the information.

Summer’s never been quite my idea of a favorite season. I’ve just never been a fan of excessive heat, so the cartoon-inspired idea of the Earth bursting into flames due to global warming was not a necessarily the perfect candidate for a poster on my wall. So you can imagine how happy I was maybe 10 years or so ago, when I had to struggle to even make my way out of the 2-meter-high snow in front of my house. I get all nostalgic when I find myself waiting, hoping for just one little white snow-flake for Christmas, and my wish hardly comes true anymore, and if it does happen to snow, it’s just for a few fleeting moments. I don’t even get a chance to renew my wardrobe with each season anymore. I just get a jacket over my summer clothes and I’m set for winter… if I can still call it that way. We’re supposed to have 4 seasons in this darn climate zone, but it seems that lately we’ve just experienced 2 of them: summer and fall. Doesn’t that look like a bit of a climate change? It sure does to me.

Furthermore, we’ve been experiencing somewhat extreme weather phenomenas, not at all characteristic to this climate zone: floods, than droughts, powerful wind, extreme temperatures, even small tornadoes. The idea of tornadoes or hurricanes doesn’t do much for my idea of security in the future. And I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror 20 years from now and not feel like slapping myself for ruining my own future. Yes, MY own future. I don’t really care that much about the future of an Eskimo living in the ice cap, and that may seem like a selfish thing, but I’m merely a human being with survival instincts. And more people should think about it like I do. Maybe then they’ll all try to save their own … skin and end up involuntarily creating a mass movement for saving our species.

If you asked me I’d say we all need to pitch in if we want a change, if we want to save ourselves. We shouldn’t think about saving the planet. It doesn’t need any help from us. We’re the ones who may not survive a catastrophic change, or we may survive to live in a world we don’t particularly want to live in. it’s our fundamental right to have a chance at survival- a right stipulated in our very “Declaration of Human Rights”- our right to life. I may be wrong, but I would like to ask: if we had the right to life but not the right to equality, security, and health would this not be a violation of precisely that fundamental right, as the quality of life would decrease drastically?

During the first world UN Convention comments concerning the human fundamental rights were made, drawing attention to the fact that people have the fundamental right to freedom, equality and satisfactory living conditions in an environment whose quality allows one to live in a dignifying way and in prosperity. A crucial issue nowadays is the international recognition and warranty of every human being’s right to a healthy environment as a fundamental right. Contrary to appearances, this is not only a theoretical concept but also a practical necessity. The right to a healthy environment is a universal one as well as the right of every citizen of a country that recognizes it legislatively in its Constitution or in ordinary laws.

All in all, we need to stop climate change and global warming to save ourselves and the society that we’ve created. Even if we are too busy living our lives to think about the future, maybe each of us should take the time and think about all of this and maybe, just maybe we will realize that we have to unite our forces and fight together for our world as we know it before it’s taken away by our very destructive actions. We have to start a never-before-seen revolution: a peaceful revolution.
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